Wowment for charities and non-profits

Raise funds and increase engagement with your supporters


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Wowment will guide you through setting up a mentoring program between your beneficiaries and supporters. Using an award-winning system, our platform manages the whole process and connects everyone through the Wowment app. 


Get mentoring support for your beneficiaries

Raise vital (unrestricted) funds for your cause

Develop deep engagement with your supporters

Why Wowment Mentoring:

People want to do more than just give money, they want to feel like they are part of making a difference.

Our technology does all the hard work enabling you to quickly set up and run a mentoring programme that people want to be part of.

We provide you and your mentors with loads of training and support to ensure your mentoring program is a success.

You decide how much you want to charge for your mentoring experience and keep the excess contribution as unrestricted funding.

 All mentoring is conducted on our app with no need for supporters and beneficiaries to exchange contact details - adding the best available safeguarding measures.

You get access to an interactive dashboard that includes data and feedback on the success and impact of the mentoring.

The data collected by Wowment will be great evidence when your cause applies for other grants.

After the mentoring experience your supporters feel deeply engaged with your cause and become brilliant ambassadors.

We are with you every step of the way to create mentoring success for your cause.

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Proven success:

Wowment was created by the Founder of Goal 17 Ltd, Fran Boorman. Fran developed a multi-award-winning social enterprise that raised funds for charities by bringing together their beneficiaries with corporate clients.

Goal 17 was featured in Forbes and on BBC News and many national newspapers for their groundbreaking social impact mentoring programs. They have worked with many great charities including the trusts and foundations attached to all the Premier League football clubs and Premiership rugby clubs.

Wowment gives charities access to Fran's proven system and advanced tools so that any charity can bridge this exciting gap with their new and future supporters.


How it works:

1) Sign up

Sign up as a charity partner of Wowment (this costs £300 which is fully refundable when you get your first mentor onboard).


2) Full training and support

You instantly gain access to our online training program that takes you through each stage of designing and launching a mentoring program for your cause. This includes guiding you through how much to charge, when to start the program, how to select the right beneficiaries, safeguarding and so much more.

3) Wowment produce a web page for you

One of the Wowment team will help check your plans and get your program live on our website with your own bespoke landing page.


4) Supporters sign up on your web page

Supporters can learn all about your program and sign up on your landing page to become a mentor. (we even show you how to contact supporters and attract them so that they come running to your program)

5) Mentors are trained

Your supporters are given full mentor training and can even receive a university certificate for their learning.


6) Mentoring conducted through the Wowment app

These newly qualified mentors are then invited to your own exclusive program on the Wowment App where they can be matched to your beneficiaries. The app takes care of everything and will help them manage every aspect of their mentoring.

7) Data and feedback is given

You and your supporters receive regular updates and feedback on the impact that is being made. This is used to further motivate everyone involved and commercially incentivise more mentoring.


The end result is:

  • Valuable additional support for your beneficiaries
  • More funds so you can keep doing the amazing things you do
  • Super-engaged supporters who want to keep championing your cause.

Sign up now to get instant access and start building your mentoring program

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Jon Doe

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Jane Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jim Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

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Wowment App Ltd, 2 Lakeview Stables, Lower St. Clere, Sevenoaks TN15 6NL

Tel: 0203 824 2999

Email: [email protected]


@ 2022 Wowment Ltd